Insurance for wallet address. Due to human error, theft and hacking, legal or regulation issues, etc, wallet fund might be lost. We aim to help user to recover fund.

Problem Statement
Addressing the vulnerabilities associated with wallet security has become a paramount concern. Mistakes, malicious activities such as theft and hacking, and even legal and regulatory entanglements can lead to the loss of wallet funds. Our mission is to provide users with a safety net for such occurrences, facilitating the recovery of lost funds and reinforcing their trust in the crypto ecosystem.
I use the Optimism start kit with the support of Foundry, Vite for frontend, and ChatGPT, to start building the framework.ChainLink (and CCIP) to fetch wallet history. And then we apply our wallet score mechanism to analyze the wallet usage, and address the wallet has been interacting with, also from different chains the wallet has been transferring to, and cross-chain contract user has been interacting with.Deploy on Optimism, Zero and Base.
- Shanni
2 contributions