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Season Battle to tip the best creators.

Problem Statement

We are pulling NFTs from opensea and presenting them in a feed. Users of the dapp can connect with metamask and deposit the season pass inside our pool. In exchange they get points they can use to tip creators browsing through the feed.The creator earn the season rate (for example 80%) of the tip. The rest is redistributed among tippers. If you tip, you get a small amount of each tip coming after yours. This is to incentivize tippers to bootstrap creators visibility and funding.Tippers can reimburse or even make money if they manage to cure the best creation. They also earn season badges (top tippers, top creators, season participants etc ...)We still have a lot of improvement ideas and our submission version is still missing features. We did our best as a team of efeereum beginners!Thx a lot for organizing this event from all of the team!


React - Solidity - Truffle - Hardhat - Ipfs-http-clientTeam of student from 42 (now working), most of us did not had solidity experience.We used a lot of different tools and encounter a lot of roadblock.Scaffold was a great help, even though we change the front and use truffle instead of hardhat because of a bug we fail to fix.We think we would have needed one or two more days to finish the mvp!Anyway everyone in the team learned a lot and we are grateful for the opportunity to participate in this hackathon, thx again EthGlobal :)



