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A Social DAO Model for increased partipation in Agricultural Contract Farming


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Problem Statement

Agrify aims to achieve the following:Increase local farmer partcipation in local markets.Empower Local Farmers to have a stronger say in decision makingSimplify payments and accelerate Blockxhain OnboardingProvide access to Global MarketsSocial DAO intends to address the core problems in Contact Farming. Despite the rise of Agricultural Conttact Farming, there is still low particpation, lack of written contracts, complicated Jargon, third party abandoning contracts and a lack of transparency. AgriFy aims to increase local and Global participation through a Decentralised DAO. Farmers, Buyers, Contractors, Stakeholders and Policy Makers can joing the DAO. A token is used to assign governance rights and a WorldCoin ID ensures privacy . It also introduces a gentle learning curve into the Blockchain with the use of Paymaster to delegate gas transactions.


2 smart contracts (Governacnce and Givernance Token ) are deployed on WorldCoin. The Worldcoin Id provides privacy for particiapnts and the World Coin provides Governance particpation and access to the DAO. An Unlimit Wallet provides Account Abstraction benefits and access to the Blockchain. The Base Paymaster is used to delegate Gas transaction payments and Push helps maintain wallet to wallet messaging


ETHGlobal Istanbul

