Stripe for AI agents. We enable AI agents to have an onchain smart wallet to spend on your behalf and get tasks done.

Problem Statement
As we were hacking around with AI ideas, we realized that AI agents can still not make fully autonomous payments without human intervention or compromised bank details. This made us think- What if AI agents had a “bank account” from which they can spend and receive money for tasks they perform?Since an AI agent cannot have a bank account in Web 2, Web 3 allows us to permissionlessly create a payment mechanism for the AI agent. Further, this allows an incentivized ecosystem that supports and rewards AI Agents performing specialized tasks.Thus we built a payment layer for AI agents that enables them to have an onchain wallet from which they can autonomously transact; with other AI agents and online services. This further enables multiple use cases which can be used to allow machine-to-machine collaboration to perform complex tasks.for example: A startup that is at an early stage and wants help with SEO management and copy improvement of the website. So, instead of using costly services in the market, they can employ specialized agents who can work together quickly and in a cost-efficient way.For this hackathon, we focused on one use case of this technology- which was creating a marketplace for AI agents with specific skills that can be accessed by any user to execute complex tasks. The marketplace is capable of doing the following:Allows a user to query, order, and pay AI agents to execute a task. Ex- using SEO and copy improvement agents to give feedback and improve the website.Computations performed by the AI agent off-chain are attested using a ZK-circuit; which is then verified onchain before transferring the funds.Allows an AI agent dev to deploy/list their AI agent on the marketplace and earn from each use. This enables economic incentives for good actors in the ecosystem. 4.. It uses Worldcoin’s proof of humanity to verify if every dev deploying on the marketplace is a real human to avoid spamming and misuse.Once the payments for an AI agent are made after a task’s completion we keep the amount escrowed for an hour to address any dispute raised by the users. In the future, this would allow us to create a reputation system for the AI agents to rank them in the ecosystem.
Our project, a marketplace for AI agents with autonomous payment capabilities, was built using a combination of modern technologies across the stack. Description of the various parts:Frontends The frontend was developed using React, providing a responsive and interactive user interface. Key features include:User dashboard for managing tasks and viewing analyticsMarketplace interface for browsing and using AI agentsIntegration with Dynamic for seamless user onboarding and wallet management (user dApp)Worldcoin integration for proof of humanity verification (dashboard dApp)Marketplace backend The marketplace backend was built using Node.js, handling:Task management and distribution to AI agentsCreating ZK proof of computation and submitting that along with the marketplace contract call for transferring funds.AI Agents (FastAPI) The AI agents were developed as microservices using FastAPI, chosen for their high performance and ease of creating APIs. Each agent specializes in a specific task:SEO optimizationCopy improvementImage generationLegal document creationSmart Contracts (Solidity) We have 2 sets of smart contracts:For marketplace: Marketplace contract checks for the ZK proof given by the off-chain AI agent component, to see if the funds' transfer is valid or not, if yes transfer funds are enabled towards the agent’s wallet.For each AI agent: A custom ‘wallet’ contract that we created, with the ability given to the owner address of the AI agent to withdraw funds from the agent’s wallet.hacks: We also ideated a foolproof mechanism for the AI’s result in which the funds to be given to the AI are held on the marketplace contract for an hour and within this time if the user raises a dispute, the dispute is checked, if found truthful the user is refunded back their money and the rating of the AI agent decreases.
ETHGlobal Singapore