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Amadeus DAO


Amadeus is a Data DAO that serves to foster a decentralized database for music data.


Amadeus DAO screenshot 1
Amadeus DAO screenshot 2
Amadeus DAO screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Amadeus is a Data DAO that serves to foster a decentralized database for music data. It also incentivizes translators and other parties to process these music data and provide more value in the music ecosystem.We are still looking into the Filecoin native actors and Datamarket. This is just a placeholder till we complete the smart contract side and then we can get as detailed as possible.


Frontend is made with NextJS and Tailwind. It will also utilize etherjs and potentially other javascript libraries and sdk to interact with the blockchain data and also index it.Backend is currently on FEVM blockchain. TBD. This information is just a placeholder as we will have to go deep into the smart contact side of the project going tomorrow. We already have the frameworks and everything.


FVM Space Warp

