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Platform for (1) anonymous (2) regulatory-friendly (3) cryptocurrency donations


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Problem Statement

Current problems which cryptocurrency donations:Not suitable for Non-Disclosed CampaignsDonors confidentiality is not preservedAll txs are sealed into blockchain FOREVERPublic addresses are often targeted by hacker attacksPossible use cases:Political or religious mattersLegal casesVictim supportHealth-related campaigns... practicaly any fund, which would benefit from the donations anonymityBenefits:Preserve donations anonymityHide the amount of assets the fund holdsDisclosure transaction details only to selected parties


The platform is build on top of IronFish -- a L1 blockchain which preserves transactions anonymity by utilizing ZKP technology.For each donation, a one-time use disposable IronFish account is used, which allows to preserve the transaction anonymity. The funds then are automatically transferred to the Campaign address on IronFish.Both Donors and Campaign managers are able to export and share 🔑 View-Only Keys, allowing anyone else to view the details of the donation transactions. This helps verify the legitimacy of the source of funds.The Sepolia ⇒ IronFish bridge is utilized to support donating with Ethereum assets by seamlessly bridging them onto the IronFish blockchain for donors. Once the Campaign is over, the owner has the option to utilize the bridge in the opposite direction, effectively transferring all campaign funds back onto the Ethereum blockchain, if desired.The platform supports Sepolia and Scroll Sepolia networks for assets bridging.Deposit addresses:Sepolia:0x664b8b9892b7560b356ef0f8d44cbd1f6628e388Scroll Sepolia Bridge address:0x6F31973b9959f1089C35a15596c0bc813f1C8Dd4WIRON ERC20 token addresses:Sepolia :0x3dE166740d64d522AbFDa77D9d878dfedfDEEEDEScroll Sepolia:0x990e7DAdFc61C7B1bFbb4c668691De40B9e9E119IronFish Bridge addresses:For Sepolia:1d1a1fb9fafd7de32c7f02115207d6fe9df1272f5b4bedbbfa1330eba88c5ce2For Scroll Sepolia:3cbc990609fe44ed235094cb77f3f3fab09113e08afc8f81fc9120d7b03515cb


Circuit Breaker



  • 🏆

    Best use of the Iron Fish protocol with interaction from an EVM chain

    Iron Fish
