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Another fail

Attempt to make some really useful crypto application (telegram bot improving crypto frenships and crypto adoption maybe )


Another fail screenshot 1
Another fail screenshot 2
Another fail screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Well, I failed to make the weird frontend dances currently required to build anything in the ecosystem and spent most of the time researching whether we can actually do things differently. I looked at web3.py and other non-frontend tools allowing to do stuff and apparently there's zero way to connect your wallet to API or bot without invoking a bunch of boilerplate javascript code. My original idea was to make a telegram bot that can connect to a wallet using backend API and can be self-hosted and do some useful off-chain stuff plus rely on ethereum as consensus and settlement provider. Well, there's no infrastructure for that. Everybody enjoys megabytes of JS.


Telegram is the most commonly used messenger in the cryptosphere and I also had a lot of fun with telegram groups and bots back in the day when I was playing Pokemon GO. I tried to translate that experience and make some PoC that would be helpful for a group of crypto frens going out to lunch or perhaps plan a party. With token transfers being used as both settlement and gating tool. It's pretty simple as far as the business logic goes and it's easy to self-host and I had a prototype before using a bunch of walletconnect boilerplate to do the connections and open standards do actually mandate using JS tools at all, there's just no alternative available. This is not an excuse why I stopped before finishing the PoC, I'm just sick and decided I don't care much, but my own roadmap now includes looking into ways to make things nice from the backend perspective. Ethereum ecosystem for several reasons neglected that, and although openness and transparency are cool that's no excuse for running in browser things that should not be there. Most people still think crypto is a type of magic money, I think we have time to fix things before real development starts happening. Some projects already realised they have to run their custom node software to do things, I can be the guy making that easier. Frontend hacking I'll leave to better people with a good eye for UI instead.


ETHGlobal Bangkok

