Apes 2 Punks
Apes 2 Punks are dynamic, on-chain generated, evolutional NFTs. The Apes are living on the blockchain and evolving as time passes.

Problem Statement
Apes 2 Punks are dynamic, on-chain generated, evolutional NFTs. The Apes are living on the blockchain and evolving as time passes. The NFT's image is dynamic and changes as the Ape evolves into a Punk. The price is also dynamic and with every mint call on the smart contract, the price is increasing by 10%. It is a self-contained mechanism for generating NFTs.Apes 2 Punks is live on the Polygon Network: mint.apes2punks.com
The back-end and smart contracts are built using Solidity, Hardhat, OpenZeppelin, Remix, SVGs, and Moralis.The front-end is built with React.js, Node.js, and Ethers.js. I see great potential for on-chain evolutional NFTs. It can be a cool way to teach about science as well as give Intrinsic value to on-chain generated NFTS.