A video archive aggregator that allows documentary makers to license clips from multiple archives with ease.

Problem Statement
Documentaries are more popular than ever. Almost 50% of Americans continuously stream docs across all major video channels. Netflix is expected to spend over $1.5 billion on documentary and non-scripted content by next year.Video archive licensing right now is very clunky and often revolves around email. Archiv3 allows filmmakers large and small to pull down clips across multiple archives, allowing for a better product.
Product is built on top of Story. Front-end is done through Scaffold ETH. Walrus is used for metadata and asset storage.Hackiest thing in here is a globally resetting array for easy iteration of royalty splits. I figured out that the SDK didn't support the latest smart contract features so I had to hard code a few variables to simulate some of those actions.
ETHGlobal San Francisco
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Best Overall Use of the Proof of Creativity Protocol3rd place