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Asterisk Daily Check

A daily checkin app to expand female health data by building a global female-specific data lake.


Asterisk Daily Check screenshot 1
Asterisk Daily Check screenshot 2
Asterisk Daily Check screenshot 3
Asterisk Daily Check screenshot 4
Asterisk Daily Check screenshot 5
Asterisk Daily Check screenshot 6

Problem Statement

Women’s health is 500 years behind in Western medicine due to bans and taboos. Rather than fund research, which will only pace us to men’s health and maintain the gap, we are backfilling the data by building a self-reported data lake. The aim is global participants, providing data that breaks the current paradigm of 90% of health research being conducted in the Global North. We made an attempt at ETH Brussels, but the prototype did not function and has ultimately been scrapped. The code written at ETH Bangkok is entirely new and was begun on Friday evening with a brand new team.


We are using a Telegram mini app to give a Web2 feel to our UX/UI. We feel this is critical as we expect most of our participants to be non-Web3 native. We spent the first day of the hackathon working to make Dynamic work; sadly, all their help was not sufficient and we had to scrap that approach. We coded ThirdWeb to connect their wallets or create a new one with a Web2 feel, but it is not yet live. The app builds a demographical profile of each participant, then checks in with their health status every day. The daily checkins are stored on Akave, which is linked to Base’s mainnet to provide governance to participants and access to our customers. Link to presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGWj9Q2NfM/LXLC3P9EO6Ke4Vu9JadKxg/view?utm_content=DAGWj9Q2NfM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h7b8f83d2c4


ETHGlobal Bangkok



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