Astro FT was created by a team of astronomy enthusiasts/stargazers with a shared passion and fascination for the skies.

Problem Statement
The idea was to have a dynamic NFT that changes to showcase major astronomical events. On days without an astronomical event, we explore the beauty of the universe further by showing the Astronomy Picture Of the Day from NASA.The aim is to showcase, educate and invite more people to share in our fascination for the wondrous depths and beauties of the universe itself by owning our NFTs.Where we want to go post Hackathon: The final aim of the project is to have a community centric NFT. NFT holders, for example might get certain attributes added to their NFTs after attending a recognized astronomy event.
Our project uses Solidity for the smart-contracts and is deplyed on polygon testnet, and itadvantage of tableland for the nft dynamic, in addition to that we use lit protocol to encrypt our astronomy events streams where only the holder of astroFT can attend, we also use livepeers for the livestream. our
- malawadd
7 contributions
- THEmmanuel
4 contributions