
Problem Statement
B4B helps web3 projects promote their ads through verified influencers on Twitter or Telegram with escrow payments in USDC. For influencers, it provides a hassle-free way to monetize their channel and maintain their portfolio reputation, while advertisers receive a scalable Ad tool with on-chain analytics.Our implementation combines an escrow smart-contract for ad payments BASE chain, and an Account Abstraction for free gas interactions on the influencer side. The platform is designed to simplify ad booking with influencers (Twitter/Telegram) on BASE chain for advertisers and enable free payment acceptance on the influencer side.On one side, advertisers can:Choose suitable Web3 influencers with verified social media statistics.Choose BASE blockchain for payment in USDC for ad promotion.Prepare ad content and requirements for the influencer.Pay for the ad and create a smart account for the influencer with gas fees.On the other side, influencers can:Sign up and verify their social account.Accept ad orders without any gas fee payments.Complete ads with all requirements, submit them via smart-contract, and receive payments in USDC without any gas fees.As a result, with Account Abstraction implementation, influencers can more easily sign up and complete ads on the platform. For advertisers, it is not a problem to pay for the influencer's gas fees. This implementation of a smart account helps more easily onboard influencers on the platform and receive payments for ads
Web3 influencer marketing platform on BASE, with AA for influencers’ gas coverageOn the Hackathon we concentrated to build Account Abstraction for influencers to allow gas free interactions with B4B smart-contract with accepting and completing the Ad.We built our B4B escrow protocol and deployed on BASE network. We use USDC for Ad payment between advertisers and influencers via our Smart-contract.Next, we used Paymaster and bundler from Pimlico ( to develop Account Abstraction for influencers and cover gas fees for them, taking it from advertisers.How the Account Abstraction works?Advertiser book the Ad via B4B protocol, deposit the cost in USDC from the wallet and with the transaction mint ID NFT with smart-account for new influencer. The gas fees paid by the advertiser. Example of smart-account: Accept the Ad and Coplete it without any gas fee. The gas is covered by paymaster via his smart-account. Here is entry point address from Pimlico: 0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789Advertiser approve the Ad in B4B protocol and transfer the payment from contract to the influencer address.Finally, influencer get the USDC payment without any gas fees on his wallet.Here is main smart-contracts, deployed on Base testnet: "B4B": "0xD8C3CFCfDff93b0dea3D5204F2Be15422ae1a76a", "SmartAccountRegistry": "0x043b6169eBb6aA9Dffb52ECae70Ed368Dc112274", "UniqueIdentity": "0x5EdE6d9B48e380A613962b6e8Ea1715E3dE6B0c9", "USDC": "0xAdf81C9c81CdFCB90bC4f7E2327D6cE68859dc0C"The project developed on Typescript, NodeJS for backend and ReactJS for front end. We used parts templates for front end part and during the hackathon fully implemented Account Abstraction for influencer and deployed on Base testnet.