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Beetray is a social deduction game where players are assigned roles


Beetray screenshot 1
Beetray screenshot 2
Beetray screenshot 3

Problem Statement

This is a game with each player having a different role. There will be 2 people, one is a honey bee, one is a northern plow bee and one is a nomadic bee. Nomadic bees can detect northern plow bees at night. The northern plow bee will be able to kill any bee at night. The bees will vote on which bee to kill in the morning


I use zk to go through the steps of the game however it's harder than I thought. The first difficulty is the need to randomize each player's role and how to implement other logic. For example, how can a player who is a nomadic bee know the roles of others. Because of this difficulty, I was unable to complete the game


Circuit Breaker