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Sentiment Oracle for proactive loss prevention as an Arweave smart contract with weighted and verifiable opinions


Beholder screenshot 1
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Problem Statement

This project is aimed to prevent losses by gathering high-value opinions by leveraging onchain data such as DIDs and social profiles as a part of legitimacy criteria.Beholder Oracle accumulates feedback for off/onchain entities such as Twitter post or an account, manages opinion weights distribution and provides resulting data to the consumers in a decentralised and verifiable way


This project uses Arweave smart contracts through Warp (SmartWeave) as Oracle base to store the data. Lens and WorldID is used as an opinion weight criteria. Lit protocol (or similar tool) as MPC signer for data verifiability. Mask Network extension is used as an initial integration in a form of external plugin for "opinion mining" on Twitter.


ETHGlobal Istanbul

