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Bet Streams 🤑

Bet Streams is the pay-per-view live stream platform, enabling viewers to bet on the results that are streamed in real time, all based on the Web3 stack @Livepeer @Superfluid_HQ @UMAprotocol @optimismFND - watch games & TV-shows betting with friends on their outcomes!


Bet Streams 🤑 screenshot 1
Bet Streams 🤑 screenshot 2
Bet Streams 🤑 screenshot 3
Bet Streams 🤑 screenshot 4
Bet Streams 🤑 screenshot 5
Bet Streams 🤑 screenshot 6

Problem Statement

During the opening ceremony of ETHBogota, we were shocked that all of such events are streamed on the traditional Web2 stack... So what if we created a Web3 native live-stream experience? 🤔Bet Streams allow organisations to prepare, send notifications about and deliver pay-per-view live streams of various events: key announcements, sports games, travelling challenges and even Web3 hackathons! Users can easily onboard to the platform with popular wallets & integrations for Web2 users. But that's not all, users can bet before, or during the live stream on the result that will be revealed during the stream. May it be the final score of a game, the outcome of a skateboard trick or the winners of a hackathon.Once the results are revealed the winners get proportionally prizes from the pool and losers have to try their luck with another betting 🎟The possibility of use cases is just limited by what people would watch live - so essentially limitless! The platform plays as a perfect fit for:People live streaming challenges, like skateboarding tricksPay-per-view sports with betting on the final resultsBig Web3 events can be streamed via Bet Streams - imagine The Merge party or Bitcoin halving or the final of ETHBogota with real-time betting ;)TV-Shows like Love Islands or The Batchelor where people can bet on “social interaction” outcomes.Let’s see how the betting works. First, users bet if the result of the event will be positive or negative, i.e. whether a challenge will be performed or not. If you bet Yes, you’re buying long tokens, and if you vote No you’re buying short tokens - it’s as simple as that! Once the results are revealed all the short tokens are assigned a value of 0 and all the long tokens with a value of 1.Presentation link -> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1W-aBaG0i2ozqxojY-5LS_zElYcgjIqGU-1nvEE4Elo4/edit?usp=sharing


🪙 Superfluid enables pay-per-view verification We deployed our own"MintableSuperToken" that will be used to gate access to the video stream.🎥 Livepeer is used for streaming video When the user starts viewing the videothe player starts a new flow of tokensconnects to a video sourcesends a notification about a new viewer*LivePeer (or whatever backend is serving the content) should check if the SuperFluid stream is active before sending anything to the viewer - we do the check locally for now.👩‍⚖️ UMA ensures users can bet on results revealed during the stream 🔔 Push notifies users about upcoming live streams and results of bettings 💱 Coinbase Wallet plays as a perfect CEX <-> BetStreams bridge 📲 Walletconnect makes it easy for anyone to plug into web3 apps ✅ Web3auth provides a seamless onboarding experience for the new users 🤖 Pocket Network RPC node implementation 🔴 Optimism is utilised for the deployment of UMA & SuperFluid contracts 🤸‍♀️ The jumping rope of course





  • 🏆

    🏆 ETHBogota Finalist

  • 🏆

    🥇 Livepeer — Best use of Livepeer Studio

  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ Pocket Network — Pool Prize

  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize
