Blind Bets
BlindBets is a privacy-first, decentralized betting platform using Nillion’s blind computation to encrypt bets and ensure secure, transparent payouts. Bet on real-world questions like "Will BTC hit $70K?"

Problem Statement
BlindBets is a decentralized quiz betting platform designed to prioritize user privacy and security while offering a seamless betting experience. Users can place encrypted bets on real-world questions (e.g., "Will Donald Trump win the 2024 election?" or "Will BTC hit $70K?") without exposing their data to any centralized platform.The app leverages Nillion’s blind computation to calculate odds and manage the betting pool without ever revealing users' bet details. After the event concludes, payouts are calculated and distributed privately, ensuring no one knows the details of your bets. Furthermore, the fairness of each outcome can be verified by users through zero-knowledge proofs.By utilizing Envio’s HyperIndex, it ensures that all bet-related data is managed in a scalable, high-performance environment, enabling smooth and efficient bet processing.
Blind Bets integrates Nillion’s blind computation for private and secure bet processing, allowing users to place bets without revealing their details. The backend is powered by Envio’s HyperIndex, ensuring scalable and real-time data management, while the frontend provides a sleek user interface designed for ease of use.BlindBets brings transparency, privacy, and scalability to the decentralized betting space, ensuring users can bet confidently on real-world events.
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