Blockhead: SH '24
Explore the Superchain and Ethereum Attestation Service on Blockhead, an open-source interface for the decentralized web.

Problem Statement
Blockhead is an open-source interface for the decentralized web, with a portfolio tracker, multi-chain block explorer, and browsers for various web3 protocols.For Superhack 2024, I created an explorer for Ethereum Attestation Service. Browse recent attestations, schemas, attesters, attestees and smart contract deployments across all supported networks (including Ethereum, OP Mainnet, Base, and many more). IPFS content, transactions, and accounts are embedded throughout the views and link to corresponding pre-existing protocol explorer views throughout Blockhead's interface.Additionally, the Explorer has been updated to support most Superchain networks (OP Mainnet, Base, Celo, Fraxtal, Mantle, Metal L2, Mint, Mode, Redstone, Zora Network) and their testnets, along with an experimental live timeline view to visualize recently published blocks.
Tech stack:SvelteKit + custom UI componentsBlockscout's REST API + RPC network for onchain data, verified smart contractsEasscan GraphQL API for Ethereum Attestation Service dataInfura's EAS IPFS endpoint for attestation data posted to IPFSTanstack Query + visjs-timeline for live timeline viewConduit data manually pulled from dashboard for rollup stack metadata