BLOOM on LENS: Transforming SocialFi into a blockchain-powered revenue stream. Putting creators in control, BLOOM enables content promotion with smart posts, allowing users to mirror posts and earn rewards on Bloom-supported dApps.

Problem Statement
BLOOM on LENS Protocol is transforming the landscape of SocialFi. Empowering content creators, Bloom introduces a dynamic promotion model for smart posts. Creators can set budgets, max-per-share amounts, and minimum follower counts, boosting visibility across all LENS SocialFi dApps. When integrated with the ENS SocialFi dApp, Bloom turns posts into promoted content, visible to a wider audience. Users meeting the minimum follower count can mirror the post, registering for rewards. To prevent abuse, a 3-day buffer period ensures post stability before reward claims via the BLOOM Platform.Bloom revolutionizes SocialFi by offering creators unprecedented control over post promotion, ensuring genuine engagement through a secure and transparent blockchain infrastructure. Users benefit from mirrored rewards, and SocialFi dApps experience increased user activity and monetization, creating a thriving, interconnected ecosystem.Bloom serves as a catalyst for SocialFi dApps, providing a streamlined avenue for monetization. By incentivizing user engagement through mirrored rewards, Bloom enhances content visibility and user participation. Bloom sustains its ecosystem with a 5% cut from each reward, contributing 50% of this cut to the SocialFi dApp where the user mirrored the post. This innovative revenue-sharing model strengthens partnerships within the decentralized social media space.Bloom revolutionizes SocialFi by offering creators unprecedented control over post promotion, ensuring genuine engagement through a secure and transparent blockchain infrastructure. Users benefit from mirrored rewards, and SocialFi dApps experience increased user activity and monetization, creating a thriving, interconnected ecosystem.Disclaimer:Due to a missing release of an essential component within the LENS Protocol Smart Post feature, the BLOOM project could not be completed as planned at ETH Istanbul. The LENS Team, has provided insight into the issue, indicating that the open actions are not yet automatically indexed by the API.
This project uses Lens Protocol's Smart Posts (Open Actions) to handle all of the important backend logic, including creating promoted posts on Lens, handling the promotion action, and distributing mirror rewards to users. We are also using Chainlink Functions to fetch profile data about the user, specifically the follower count in order to ensure that the user meets the promotion requirements before issuing a reward.For the front end, we built a progressive web app using Next.js, wagmi, viem, Rainbow, GraphQL, ApolloClient, and shadcn to design the user interface. The web app is deployed on Vercel: encountered a challenge in obtaining the follower count as on-chain information. To address this limitation, we implemented Chainlink functions to query the LENS API, enabling us to dynamically fetch and incorporate follower count data into our smart contract. This solution allowed us to bridge the gap between on-chain and off-chain information, enhancing the functionality and completeness of our implementation.Please find our Github Organisation with all Repositories (Frontend, Backend, etc.) here:,,,
ETHGlobal Istanbul
- 🏆
Best Smart Post2nd Place
Lens Protocol
- siljapetasch
8 contributions
- benbaessler
3 contributions