BR33D3R protocol or B3 protocol is a decentralized platformed aimed at helping gardeners get organized and store plant data onchain.

Problem Statement
Introduction: The BR33D3R Protocol introduces a groundbreaking approach to the plant industry. Gardening and plant breeding, both revered as a hobby and profession, find in this protocol a new direction. With BR33D3R, enthusiasts and professionals can reimagine their methods for cultivation and propagation across various plant species.Size and Scope of the Gardening Industry: Gardening transcends mere leisure activity. Current data points to a global gardening market valuation in the multiple billions, with a consistent growth trajectory. Specifically in the U.S., an estimated 77% of households actively garden, investing millions annually in related products and services. As the drive towards sustainability and organic lifestyles intensifies, these numbers are expected to surge.Significance of BR33D3R: BR33D3R targets a diverse and expansive market. The range of plant species, from decorative florals to fruit-bearing flora, has always challenged breeders to perfect their craft, a balance between art and science. With BR33D3R, this complexity is streamlined, providing a refined method for plant propagation that emphasizes enhanced yield, diversity, and adaptability.Potential Impact: The immutable ledger feature of the BR33D3R Protocol stands as one of its most valuable assets. For breeders, this offers an undeniable record of their breeding efforts, ensuring authenticity and transparency. For consumers, it guarantees the pedigree of the plant varieties they purchase, ensuring they receive genuine products. Given that countless individuals, from novice gardeners to seasoned breeders, are perpetually in search of improved gardening methods, BR33D3R presents itself as a game-changing instrument. Through the standardization and elevation of breeding practices, it is set to bolster productivity, spur innovation, and drive the plant industry forward.Conclusion: The BR33D3R Protocol represents more than mere innovation; it signifies a momentous stride for the plant sector. As the gardening market remains robust and the demand for varied, robust, and unique plant species persists, BR33D3R is poised to establish new benchmarks in the industry. Recognizing its potential magnitude, it becomes imperative for industry stakeholders, from gardeners to breeders, to keenly observe and contemplate the assimilation of the BR33D3R Protocol into their practices.
Deployed on the optimism superchain and tracked using the graph. these smart contracts act as track and trace tool for gardeners of the hobbyist and professional level. Written in solidity and launched on layer 2 optimism. these smart contracts utilize the contract factory method 'new' to create a lifecycle and map events and track genetic lineage on chainThis set of contracts appears to simulate a decentralized ecosystem of plant growth and interaction through various token representations. Here's a brief overview of the main functions and concepts:S01L Contract:A central contract to create and manage S33D and Sprout contracts. Keeps track of how many S33D and Sprout contracts have been created. Maintains parent-child relationships between contracts. Keeps a whitelist of trusted contracts. S33D Contract:Represents unique seed tokens (S33D) that are ERC721 compliant and burnable. Seeds have certain traits (genus, species, variety). Allows users to: Mint seeds (with a fee). Burn a seed to create a Sprout. Manually set properties of seeds. Sprout Contract:Represents a plant grown from a S33D. Has properties like genus, species, variety, and flower count. Keeps track of its lifecycle stages (e.g., flowering, pollination). Can be harvested to produce more seeds. Key Functions: S01L:S0WS33D(string memory seedName, string memory seedSymbol): Creates a new S33D contract. createSprout(address newOwner): Creates a new Sprout contract and assigns its ownership. S33D:mint(): Allows users to mint a new seed by paying a fee. burnAndCreateSprout(uint256 tokenId): Burns a seed and creates a new Sprout. adminMint(address to, uint256 amount): Allows the admin to mint multiple seeds. Sprout:initialize(...): Initializes a new sprout with certain properties. Observations: Trust:There's a system of trusted contracts. It seems like certain actions (like creating a sprout) can only be executed by trusted contracts. Lifecycle:A seed (S33D) can be burned to create a sprout. The sprout then has its lifecycle, and when harvested, produces new seeds. Payments:Creating seeds (S33D) has an associated cost. Users need to send ether while minting seeds. Parent-Child Relationships:There's a notion of parent-child relationships, which could be a way to track the lineage of sprouts or to establish certain dependencies or interactions between them. External Libraries and Contracts:Uses OpenZeppelin for many base functionalities like ERC721, Ownership, Counters, and ReentrancyGuard. OpenZeppelin provides reusable smart contract components which are widely recognized as standard implementations.the front end was built in Next.js using wagmi tooling built by austin griffith at scaffold-eth. and the goal was to build a good starting point to build from. The components can be upgraded and there wasn't time but is plans to integrate tensorflow and create a camera that can count and verify seed.looking forward to any and all questions and the S33DB4NK is a seedswap/SeedDex that we got close to finishing but next time. thanks for the opportunity to learn and grow.
- BR33D3R
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