In an age when seed phrases are routinely being phished from unsuspecting users or getting lost outright and forgotten, the necessity for a seedless self-custodial wallet is becoming apparent. By improving upon the unknown Brain Wallet concept, we aim to bring Web3 to everyone.

Problem Statement
The goal of BrainWallet2.0 is to improve upon the poorly known "brain wallet" concept, which has the potential of being the most secure form of storage for one's blockchain based assets when used correctly. However, in order to accomplish this, user education is of the utmost importance. Despite this being the case, it's also an opportunity for improved UX, which was also one of our main goals, as poor UX happens to be the chief reason for many potential users being turned-off from Web3's many benefits. The other improvement of this brain wallet concept is also the ability to participate in smart contracts.
This project was heavily based on MetaMask's source code and aimed to be a simplification of its features and functionality. Despite that being our main technological focus, we also relied heavily on a new algorithm devised by one of our team members that utilized the Scrypt Hash function to force "slowness" into our security protocol.
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