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A platform where traditional artists with an idea are matched with a supportive community (DAO) to grow & collaborate in the creation of a piece of art.

Problem Statement

Investors & Artists collaborate on a physical art project to realize new creative, community, experiential, and growth potential in web3! Although the digital art community is currently flourishing in the NFT world, there still remains a disconnect between traditional visual artists and web3. Some barriers we have identified in our primary and secondary research include a high technical barrier to entry, a feeling that they are selling out (the belief that the NFT world is unappreciative of the history and practices in the fine arts). Our project is bridging this gap by allowing the artists to seamlessly enter into web3 on a platform that reflects the traditional art world they are familiar with. Rather than forcing artists to come into/adapt to web3, we want them to feel that web3 is coming into their world and the control is still in their hands. Bridge.io allows artists who need support, either in funding, but also emotional, technical, etc. to match with a community structured as a DAO(fans, investors, collectors, marketing personnel, developers, etc.) to help these artists reach their creative potential. Through live streams, studio tours, collaborations, channel chats, and beyond, etc. artists will have a platform to share their craft and educate the community on aspects of their practice they feel deserve more attention for the web3 art world to flourish. In return for joining a project, the community will reap financial, educational, and emotional benefits as they hold equity in what will be the final piece of art, gain knowledge & traditional art appreciation, and walk away with a greater connection to the artists and a sense of true ownership over the final product. At the end of the project, the DAO will receive a portion of the sales from the final product or collectively decide to pull capital and bid with the intention of creating, then fractionalizing an NFT replica, while maintaining control and governance over the physical piece.


This project is mostly done with figma, and we have an end-to-end mockup flow to demostrate our pipeline. In terms of the website, we have basic routing built with Next.js and an 3d rendering for our badge token generation done in react three fiber. In the future, we are planning to connect ZORA's permissionless ecosystem (e.g. zdk, nft-components and hooks) to built on the existing awesome community. We are planning to add Live performance, so we can have Livepeer's API integrated into the platform and with IM that is similar to the Discord widgets which connects the community together.


NFTHack 2022