A social&security application for people (especially single girls) who leave a group at midnight. They can add their social group as buddy-guards, and then buddy-guards can help watch their track and provide support when necessary.

Problem Statement
A social&security application for people (especially single girls) who leave a group at midnight. They (the protege) can first create an order for buddy-guards with staked tokens like ApeCoin and GHO to ensure their accountability. Then they can tap friends' NFC cards (which is Arx) to add them as buddy-guards. The buddy-guards will then need to watch their track and provide support when necessary until the protege cancels the order. Buddy-guards will receive online attestation for their reputation. If after the golden hour, the protege still not cancel the order or update their situation, then buddy-guard need to trig the alarm and provide the help.Pitch Deck: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF0Xh3qqjc/sVgjYSPYhnuVdKicJtg-1w/watch?utm_content=DAF0Xh3qqjc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editorDemo Video https://www.canva.com/design/DAF0lTtqRD8/eXzikUCM3R_ED5oXzFoGHw/watch?utm_content=DAF0lTtqRD8&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel
We deployed the smart contract in several layer2 and layer1 to make the application chain agnostic as much as possible and reduce the cost for end users meanwhile. Using EAS on-chain attestation for buddy-guards' reputation. To make the offline experience easy and smooth, we use NFC cards from Arx which allow you to get people's addresses with a simple tap without turning on their cell phones. Push protocol is also used to notify import information like SOS information and order completed