genesis of cadtail, its mainly about deployment and local development workflow to easily trying out new things

Problem Statement
phase 1 as genesis, Create developer tools or infrastructure for OP Stack developers, resources that haven’t been adapted to OP Stack yet, its mainly about deployment and local development workflow to easily trying out new thingsuse is docker, docker-compose, kustomize, and kubernetes to deploy layer 2 chain
i use github action to push docker images into github container registry as packages, there are action that automatically build op-geth, op-node, op-batcher, op-proposer on each push in certain branchtechnology that i use is docker, docker-compose, kustomize, and kubernetes in benefit me a lot, now i know i can also deploy layer 2 chain, for sponsor they can utilize my workflow to introduce OP stack easily and deploy layer 2 chain using docker compose in local, or in production using kubernetes
- tynes
2410 contributions
- mergify[bot]
1679 contributions
- mslipper
965 contributions
- OptimismBot
935 contributions
- smartcontracts
931 contributions
- maurelian
492 contributions
- geohot
479 contributions
- protolambda
443 contributions
- clabby
400 contributions
- refcell
378 contributions
- trianglesphere
372 contributions
- ajsutton
359 contributions
- qbzzt
216 contributions
- Inphi
212 contributions
- hamdiallam
188 contributions
- github-actions[bot]
163 contributions
- dependabot[bot]
135 contributions
- elenadimitrova
135 contributions
- cfromknecht
134 contributions
- felipe-op
123 contributions
- mdehoog
112 contributions
- snario
108 contributions
- karlfloersch
85 contributions
- sebastianst
81 contributions
- gakonst
80 contributions
- ben-chain
77 contributions
- roninjin10
74 contributions
- norswap
72 contributions
- optimisticben
66 contributions
- annieke
63 contributions