Wallets for cats so they can attest that you've petted them! Pet and collect 'em all!

Problem Statement
Many people petted cats during Istanbul, so we thought: why not give the cats a wallet so they can sign an attestation that cryptographically proves that? So we did it! And allowed the human to write a message in the cat's ethereal "pet-book", and mint an NFT as a pic of the cat!The idea is to put arx NFC chips in cats' collars to give them a key with which they can attest that a human has petted them.This is a silly example, but shows all the attestations you can generate using NFC chips, for example for people, places, art, plants,... you name it!
We're using Arx Chips to give each cat a unique identity. Using the chips ERS link we can direct users who scan the cats' collar tag to our dapp where we show further information like its picture, name and description. If the user wants to mint a "I have met this kitty" attestation they can use Arx' libhalo to have the chip sign a challenge and verify that they actually met the cat.If the challenge was successful the user can execute a transaction that creates the EAS attestation and mint a commemorative NFT. Both items can then be inspected on their respective explorers :3Frontend: Contracts:
ETHGlobal Istanbul
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Most Original🥇 Winner
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Best HaLo Use1st Place
- kevincharm
6 contributions