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Onchain notarization and verification service on Base powered by EAS.


Chainproof screenshot 1
Chainproof screenshot 2
Chainproof screenshot 3
Chainproof screenshot 4

Problem Statement

This project uses Thirdweb for wallet connect, EAS for attestations on Base blockchain.The idea is to be able to notarize any file with a timestamp easily and simply so that users have proof that they published the file first without posting the actual file.The front end allows a user to drag and drop a file which is then hashed. The hash and filename is stored in the easschema when a user interacts with the notarize button.In future I would like to allow the user to optionally publish the file with IPFS.


This project uses EAS to create a Schema containing the hash of the file dropped into the front end.I used Thirdweb to quickly add wallet connectors, EAS gui website to create a schema and base to attest super cheap.I mainly focused on the user experience and UX. I want to carry on building things in like uploading the actual file to IPFS if the user wishes but I did not have enough time yet for this hack. I also want to create a verify page that allows someone to drop in a file and it will search to see if it has been attested yet. For this part I may need Supabase or another db I can search against the hash of the file for.


Superhack 2024



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