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Virtual city travels with token incentives for international travel savvy. Collecting sightseeing monuments NFTs in the virtual 3D world mapped real cities and communicating with REAL local people who can be tour guides.


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Problem Statement

This project is a concept prototype of "Play to Travel" web3 app. The players can get into the digital twin world of famous cities and experience the virtual tour. When they reach to sightseeing monuments, they can get NFTs of the these monuments.The app will offer daily lottery award for users who can collect specific set of NFTs. They can get the chance to travel the real cities which they virtually travelled!


This project is built as Unity based 3D world and using Mapbox unity technology to get the real cities 3D models included. The character model is "Unity-chan" (Unity's official 3D avatar model) and tweaked to the project.To develop, deploy and execute NFT related functions are built on Hardhat and Open zeppelin on Polygon and Optimism. NFT's images and metadata are located on IPFS.When they get awarded by lottery, they will get a notification by EPNS.We tried to run Connext platform but failed. Deployed contract on Goerli and Optimism-Goerli. Repository: https://github.com/koit3/connext-test Transaction: https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0x693e3cc716b1469d062d7da530197735931a6057ebc1975614af12ad29034c22 Contracts: (Goerli) https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xbbcdb8f9753f1435930f9014eb8541ce3904473b (Optimism-Goerli) https://blockscout.com/optimism/goerli/address/0x957aAe3B133259bC0E4964EF1Fe25b1F8E3940FE


ETHOnline 2022



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    🏊‍♂️ Connext — Pool Prize

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    🏊‍♂️ IPFS & Filecoin — Pool Prize
