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We are building a community of people who want to get better at communicating, improve public speaking and learn leadership skills. Members would participate in meetings by preparing, delivering crypto or blockchain presentations and getting feedback.

Problem Statement

Cryptoastmasters is a club to learn how to get better at communication, get over public speaking and to learn about leadership. We are recruiting members of the club who are great at working on projects as engineers but have trouble with communicating. People can be great at programming however they want to be able to speak in public about the projects they are working on. Engineers and programmers might come into situations where they are funded by venture capital for projects but they do not know how to lead. At Cryptoastmasters you will practice your communication and public speaking skills by presenting speeches from Toastmasters International's Pathways learning curriculum.


First we are recruiting members from hackathons that are building great projects and want to practice their public speaking and communication. We will then choose among the recruited members the officers of the club. We will have a President, 3 Vice Presidents: VP of Education, VP of Membership and VP of Public Relations, a secretary, a treasurer and a sergeant at arms. This is how we learn about leadership, through these 7 positions, you learn you cannot run a club, company or organization all by yourself, you cannot successfully win a hackathon by yourself. The president will plan and coordinate the the all the officers and members. The website for cryptoastmasters.org will serve an application that will be built by the officers and members on cryptoastmasters.eth (an ENS domain). The application will show members how to build web3 applications. We will be creating a token called CTM (CrypToastMasters) that will fund the membership into the larger group Toastmasters International. We will hold meetings every two weeks to present speeches and give feedback on the speeches. After successfully presenting a speech members will receive an NFT hosted on slate.host . The NFTs will be a unique image file and will have unlockable prizes like Fractions of AAVE, FIL, ETH or Matic. Depending on the speech if a member has a focus on AAVE in their speech their NFT will have unlockable AAVE token behind it. Same applies to Filecoin, Ethereum or Polygon Matic.


HackFS 2021

