daoPOP allows members to set a metric that tracks their social engagement and incentivices based on activity in the D.A.O.

Problem Statement
This D.A.O project builds upon common utility of D.A.O's which is pooling funds for investment purposes for a common/communal benefit. The D.A.O incentivises social engagement(proposal, votes) based on metrics set by the members and calculates a singular trackable Proof of Participation variable which serves as a baseline for how much of the D.A.O rewards a user gets through a token streaming functionality implementation which allows weekly member rewards that are automated and more efficient based on their input both capital wise and activity wise.
I built this project using popular common tooling to achieve the goal I had in mind. Hardhat, Openzeppelin and Ethers are the base-level tools I used to build the contracts and their frontend interactions. I leveraged some of the sponsor's amazing platforms and tools to enable this project to achieve some cool functionality. I chose Polygon as the chain my project resides in thanks to their quick transactions, throughput and awesome developer experience. I used QuickNode as a node provider to be able to connect to Polygon and interact with my contracts. I used Superfluid's tools for token streaming to members' rewards based on the D.A.O's treasury which is filled by DeFi investment returns proposed and approved by members. I believe token streaming is a more efficient/hands-off approach D.A.Os can adopt to improve operations and automate as many operations as they can.