Decentralised Social Media
Provide a decentralised social media for users to interact with friends and community and also provide an option to sell some of the content as NFT for content creators.

Problem Statement
Provide a decentralised social media for users to interact with friends and community and also provide an option to sell some of the content as NFT for content creators. DeSocialMedia was developed as part of HackFS Hackathon submission by our team where we wanted to develop a decentralised social media using #polygon blockchain and give ability to users to create #NFT and push it to marketplace where interested users can bid for the #NFT and buy them, we managed to achieve this with the help of #Zora ZDK.
We started with decentralized storage where we uploaded the images and associated metadata to IPFS. We used Pinata as the Pinning Service for the data and media. We used the Zora ZDK to perform the minting of the media as NFTs as well as create a marketplace for them.We also wrote Chainlink contracts to fetch data from the external news sources to show alongside the social media images and metadata.We deployed and tested the contracts on Kovan network as Polygon Testnet nodes weren't functional. We would like to use Unlock Protocol to lock the NFTs by the owner and only release them to their followers.
HackFS 2021
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Zora Prize Pool