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Our project aims to decentralize medium and improve the payment structure such that the user pays the owner of the article only while they read it.

Problem Statement

Our project is a decentralised version of the medium platform where each reader pays for only what they read rather than a monthly subscription. Whenever a reader opens an article, a stream is started to the article owners account. Once they are done reading, the stream is stopped. Each user is also allowed to create their own articles via the editor page. The data is stored on IPFS and the generated hash will be used to create an NFT of the article.


Our application makes use of the following softwares: Superfluid, IPFS and Rarible. We use superfluid to implement the streaming of money from the readers account to the article owners account.Articles written by the user are stored on IPFS. The generated hash returned from the add api by IPFS is then used to lazy mint the article on Rarible. This will enable us to query all the articles written on our platform and user specific articles as well.


HackMoney 2021

