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All-in-one blockchain explorer. DokodemoDoa can be the best partner with blockchain developer.


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Problem Statement

We built a platform consolidated different sort of information that are provided by solo block chain explorer. Firstly is our blockchain page, we showed block and transaction datas of Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain supported by Covalent. Secondly, our layer-2 page showed also block and transaction data retrieved from Infura. Thirdly, we have a De-Fi page with 8 different products of your choice to show their dataset. Last but not least is a decentralised oracle service showed asset pair prices powered by Umbrella Network. All together is our all-in-one blockchain explorer, Dokodemo Doa.


Our block data of Ethereum mainnet and BSC are provided by Covalent and the polygon and optimism of Ethereum Layer2 retrieved by Infura.Our variety of De-Fi products datasets are from subgraphs powered by the Graph.Our decentralised oracle asset prices is from the subgraph that we created ourselves with umbrella networks’s smart contract.


HackMoney 2021

