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Service for sending ERC20 tokens with paying commision in this token (crosschain also)


doTransfer screenshot 1
doTransfer screenshot 2
doTransfer screenshot 3

Problem Statement

With our service you can send ERC20 token from wallet which don't have native token by paying commisions in ERC20 token. Also possible to transfer tokens from Ethereum to Polygon and in opposit direction. Possible usecases is accounting systems for crypto, part of grypto gateways for managing hot wallets. Possible aditional featurescollecting small amount of tokens from different chainssending tx with setuped commision price


We developed smartcontract (deployed on ethereum and polygon) and our own relaer. As bridge was used deBridge. Also we tried to implement swap token logic, but didn't finished it yet. For frontend we used vueJs. For relaer python. Everything is deployed on server and could be reach at tx.donft.io


ETHOnline 2022



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