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Food Stamps meet crypto. DeFi for everyone. EBT.eth allows people on Food Stamps to use their benefits on Web 3 and beyond. Currently people on food stamps are locked out of the digital economy. We believe in ETH for the Financial Inclusion of low-income communities.

Problem Statement

Food Stamps meet crypto. DeFi for everyoneProblem Food stamps don't work online In 2019, 38M Americans received food stamps.That's more than 10% of the U.S. population. The way that people shop has changed over time, but food stamps have remained the same. Currently, food stamps only work at limited physical stores and online retailers do not accept them. Millions people in America and Puerto Rico use federal assistance as their main source of food income. EBT.eth is creating a way for all of them to access digital economies. Democratizing digital economies


Circle - On boarding Food stamps users and moving them to the realm of cryptocurrency.ENS - Pointing website hosted on Fleek to Ebt.ethEthereum - Polygon/Truffle boxFilecoin - Ganache/Truffle boxFleek - Utilizing Fleek storage and ENS configuration.Gnosis Protocol - Teach users how DeFi works.MetaMask - Integrating into mobile app.


HackMoney 2021