Enhancer for Snapshot.org Browser Extension
A multi-browser extension to enhance on Snapshot.org user experience

Problem Statement
This Cross Browser extension allows snapshot.org voters to customize the voting app and enhance their voting experience. 'Enhancer-for-Snapshot.org' is an introduction to a broader crypto wallet extension aiming to combine all necessary wallet interaction in one cross browser extensionFeatures of 'Enhancer for Snapshot.org':Find all illegible voting spacesBlock Spam Spacesmore..
This browser extension is built using the following technologies:A boilerplate for rich Chromium/Firefox Extensions using Webpack Javascript/HTML/CSSComponents:background script: fetches spaces from snapshot.org and filters out the ineligible spaces and blacklisted onescontent script: inject the curated list of eligible spaces into the snapshot.org main pagepopup script: Insert/change user's ethereum addressoptions script: Modify the spaces blacklist