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Enj00Y A tool for cooking, memory, & sharing IRL moments. Help contribute to the collective humanist aura for the CC0 expansive platform we call the kitchen. when your technology breaks down, enj00y.


enj00Y screenshot 1
enj00Y screenshot 2
enj00Y screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Enj00y is a tool for cooking, memory, & sharing in real life moments representing, we believe, the execution analogy of Ethereum's blockchain, by combining historic mechanisms & open CC0 creative ways to fill the tummies of people. With sharing recipes, we can rebuild how memory association can lead POS using conversations over food.


The project is made with a react frontend, lots of love, and an IPFS upload that posts metadata to the global network using web3.storage (this was forgotten to show in the demo). The future intentions will be to use the polygon blockchain, using superfluid as the layer for payment access, and more control derived ways to layer in agency into the NFT of recipes.


ETHOnline 2022