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The seamless and secure gateway into the NFT ecosystem for casual users, leveraging cross-chain fiat gateways and cutting edge social recovery.

Problem Statement

We developed an NFT wallet with Instagram-like user-experience and social recovery feature:We help our users discover art and artistsWe give them the possibility to start an NFT collection without purchasing crypto.We take the responsibility of securing our users assets until they decide to add their friends and family as guardians.


The smart contracts were written in solidity and tested on the compatible L2 solution Polygon. By using ECDSA cryptography and meta transaction we created a smart wallet where the user does not have to pay for his own gas. Furthermore thanks to the user's wallet being a smart contract we were able implement cutting edge social recovery to ensure that the user's wallet is extremely secure, convenient and self hosted.To mediate frontend to blockchain transactions and provide a scalable backend we used Moralis combined with a separate Node.js + Express based REST API server. We also relied on Moralis to provide a convenient authentication method as the default.For our Mobile UI we used React with tailwindcss + daisy ui with a plan of bundling into a native-runable mobile app later. We also leveraged NFT Port to power our search and NFT content discovery.


NFTHack 2022



  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ NFTPort Pool Prize

  • 🏆

    🥇 Best use of Polygon
