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Filecoin Payment Bridge

A multichain payment solution for Filecoin system in one platform


Filecoin Payment Bridge screenshot 1
Filecoin Payment Bridge screenshot 2

Problem Statement

IPFS/Filecoin as the most adapted decentralized storage solutions has been widely used in NFT, science data and other domains. However, how to pay the storage from other chain like eth, polygon etc is an obstacle unresolved. In this project we want to provide a multiple chain payment solution for this case.


User upload File to ipfsUser get the cid and select the storage providerUser deposit fund to polygon with the cid and target provider addressUser CollateralFile storage FeeWaiting for file backup to Filecoin networkMultiple Filecoin Chainlink Oracle holders update the ChainLink contract stateAfter Chainlink oracle prove the storage deal is online, user trigger the release lock pay to the storage providerThe reward is paid to the storage provider and collateral return to user


HackFS 2021



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    Chainlink Pool Prize
