Gurukul DAO
Decentralized, Crypto based online educational platform. Create, Learn and Earn Courses like never before!

Problem Statement
The Problem:Online education platforms (Youtube, Udemy, Coursera etc) keeps the lion's share (~85%) of the total revenue generated, leaving small earnings for content creatorsEducation is becoming expensive. USD $1.6 trillion in student loans (2021)Attention span of viewers is dropping, making long educational videos obsolete and boringThe Solution:Gurukul DAO will empower educational Video Content Creators and Learners with BlockchainA) Disrupting - 'Creator Economy' - Enable video creators and digital artists to make money in crypto for creating and sharing their content. B) Watch-2-Earn - Earn $GURU tokens for watching videos and completing courses. Also, Stake tokens in favorite courses/creator. C) Bite-Sized Videos: Short 10 minute videos. Maximum 6 videos in a course, allowing learners to complete courses quickly.And NFTs, because why not! Learners: Can mint their Certificate post course completion as NFT. Show off as Skills Badge over LinkedIn profiles, Online Resumes, Social media etc. Content Creators: Can mint their videos as NFTs, making a quantifiable revenue streamCheckout website:
Tech Stack usedPolygon for deploying the ERC20 token as well as the dapp contractMoralis SDK for login and contract interactionsNFT Port for minting the NFTs once the user has completed a courseSolidity for all Smart contractsReact, Node.js for frontend & backendThere are two workflows on the platform:Student workflow: When a student connects the wallet on the platform, the Moralis authentication is used to log in to the platform. To enroll in a course, the user would be required to stake 50 $GURU tokens that would be staked in our contract. $GURU tokens are the native ERC20 tokens of the platform and both creators and students are required to stake some tokens in order to gain access to interact with the platform.Once the student has enrolled in a course by staking the tokens, they would be able to watch/read the material available on the platform. All the platform interactions involve contract interaction in order to record the data on-chain.Upon completion of the course, the users can claim 80% of their staked tokens back as well as get a certificate NFT which is minted using NFTPort. Our NFTs are created using the ERC721 standard.Creator workflowThe Moralis authentication workflow remains the same for the creator as well. A creator has to stake 100 $GURU tokens, in order to create a course. The incentive mechanism for the creator is that - for every course, 10% of the staked tokens are transferred to the creator account on completion by each student.Course data and completion status for each course, including creator information and course metadata, are stored on-chain upon creation of the course.
Road to Web3
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🏊 NFTPort Pool Prize
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🏊 Polygon Pool Prize
- cicioflaviu
23 contributions
- ChrisiPK
16 contributions
- cool-ani
11 contributions