Problem Statement
Ever wanted to see multiple wallet balances and holdings across exchanges in a single app? Ever wanted to setup goals or research which token to invest in next? HobbyHodlr aims to be a single pane of glass to view, research and get alerted on portfolio holdings. Take full control of your portfolio, with easy charts and research information to keep you up-to-date on the digital asset market.HobbyHodlr is built with privacy, research & alerting in mind. You should use HobbyHodlr if you:Have 1 or multiple cryptocurrency accountsWant an easy view of ALL your account holdingsWant to track portfolio performance with goal oriented balancesCan run a small raspberry pi or node.js serverWant to research tradition vs cryptocurrency assetsFor more details & features:
This project uses a node.js graphql server to aggregate cryptocurrency data in a local redis cache. This data is then accessed by a vue.js website, which can be hosted on a raspberry pi and served to a local network. The blockchain accounts and prices come from several data providers and get stored within redis for further aggregation. Accounts can be added easily via Portis login, or directly copy/pasting addresses. Research assets with AAVE loan & borrow rates. Backup portfolio snapshots with Sia SkyNet. Your data & portfolio is yours and yours alone, here's a tool to keep it that way.