lewk protocol
We set out to build a web3 reputation system - create decentralized digital identity primitives that are optimized for hiring.

Problem Statement
We believe existing methods for talent evaluation are insufficient for modern online-based work. People are typically measured based on status symbols like education diplomas, job titles, and previous employers’ reputations instead of their actual skills and willingness to learn. As a result, hiring happens within exclusive inner circles, omitting people outside of them regardless of their capabilities.Organizations across fields repeatedly mention access to talent as one of their fundamental challenges. Common solutions include even more intensive reliance on personal networks as well as recruitment budget increases, leading to a rising amount of cold contacting, spammy in-mails, and paying unnecessarily high premiums for headhunters.These problems are common across industries, and also apply to the web3 community. Professional identity and reputation haven’t sparked general interest – even the recent discussion about decentralized identity and on-chain reputation has lacked talent measurement and signaling considerations. There haven’t been reliable ways of verifying skills with on-chain data, let alone leveraging this data in hiring. As a result, most web3 companies and DAOs still rely mainly on web2-native talent discovery methods. Costs are huge – not only in terms of wasted time and money but also in non-optimal recruitment decisions.Digital identity in web3 will be the most important societal shift in the next decade. Using programmable smart contracts and NFT, it can be highly composable, portable, interoperable, and verifiable.We set out to build a web3 reputation system - create decentralized digital identity primitives that are optimized for hiring.Web3 on-chain ‘resume’ can be an aggregator of talent’s off-chain and on-chain credentials and verifiable work history, skills, etc, and allows them to interact with and one-click apply for job opportunities.
Builders authenticate through github to check eligibility and connect metamask wallet and mint verifiable SBT skills badges and verified work experience based on the bounties they completed on chain. Builders can then build out web3 portfolio to receive work opportunities on our platformWe use Soul Bound NFT smart contract deployed on Polygon Badge metadata stored on IPFS, we also use Metamask Wallet, Github API for checking eligibility
ETHSanFrancisco 2022