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Browser Extension allowing users to review a website (or any virtual asset) minted as an NFT for making web browsing experience safer


NetSepio screenshot 1
NetSepio screenshot 2
NetSepio screenshot 3

Problem Statement

We created a browser extension that allows users to review a domain/website categorizing it into various categories and put applicable tags. This enables them to pre-emptively protect their online activities from cyberthreats & scam, phishing attacks in a collaborative way. Every user can view the reputation of the website based on the reviews submitted and can also submit one. This creates a decentralized pseudo-anonymous reputation system for domains based on the user reviews. Every review results in getting the webpage archived along with its screenshot to IPFS which is hepful for tracking the webpage history and evaluate reviews. We also aim to integrate the analytics tool to check the trackers present on the webpage along with a blockchain based VPN solution for anonymous browsing. Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WONWyGu5Jh6YaDsZoAWS-mmMtJ2PGf8nwxgmo2WlhrQ/edit?usp=sharing Slides:


The Extension is built using jQuery/Bootstrap integrating ethers, web3 and ceramic http api. We deployed the smart contract to Polygon Testnet and published subgraph using studio. API was written in nodejs (ceramic) and the scraper in Go. We're still working on the scraping bot and the graph integration. Somehow we're not sure what was the issue in publishing the subgraph on Polygon testnet so we also published it on Rinkeby Testnet which worked fine.


HackFS 2021



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    Ceramic Pool prize
