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NFT And me


Just by living, you are a piece of art. NFTize me allows you to create an NFT from your own picture!


NFT And me screenshot 1
NFT And me screenshot 2
NFT And me screenshot 3

Problem Statement

This project allows users to create artistic NFTs from their personal photos.Users upload their photo and press a button. It is as simple as that. Behind the scenes the program uses machine algorithm to style the picture, save it in a decentralized storage system such as IPFS and create an NFT for it.From it, one is able to show it to friends and family, give it as present, or save it in their wallet for future purposes. In short, users do whatever they want with their art.The end goal is to put a smile on people's faces. It is a fun project and serves entertainment purposes.I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed building it. The end goal here is to put a smile on people's faces. They are art and as living piece of art they too are entitled to be an NFT and be immortalized in the annals of the blockchain system. It is a fun project and serves entertainment purposes.I hope you like it as much as it was enjoyable for me to build it.


The application consists of three parts.User interface: a web application built with React.js that allows users to upload a photoA python program based on current academic papers of machine learning training on photo manipulation. This is the only piece of code that was created before and it is proprietary. It takes months to train the program.An ERC721 smart contract. It is pretty standard and only slightly modified for the purposes of the project.
