Enabling users to deposit into protocols on other chains using our smart contract connectors.

Problem Statement
We deployed smart contracts on several chains that batch and bridge assets to a specified protocol on a particular chain. This helps the user save gas costs due to batching the transactions. We developed our own frontend, an investment platform for sustainable projects, that show how our cross-chain deployments could be integrated into a dApp. We also implemented a showcase of what a chainless dApp would look like.
We deployed smart contract connector contracts on Fuji and Optimism testnet, which batch and bridge assets to the Hub deployed on Mumbai. We deployed our smart contracts with Foundry. When the user calls the transaction on one of the Satellite contracts the funds are stored there temporarily. We used Tenderly's Actions that are automatically triggered every 60 minutes so that the funds are transferred in batches, helping the user save gas costs. We use Hyperlane to send cross-chain transactions to simulate a bridge and transfer the funds over burning and minting. Once the funds are deposited within the final protocol we notify the user that their funds safely arrived over Push protocol's notification feature. We deployed our own frontend to showcase what a future UX in crypto could look like. When the user connects over Metamask we show the ability to deposit on the chains where we deployed our contract, and when the user connects with WalletConnect we showcase our vision of a chain-agnostic dApp interface.