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Sawti, an audio hosting service to bring your sawt to the metaverse 😝


sawti screenshot 1
sawti screenshot 2
sawti screenshot 3

Problem Statement

As someone who uses reddit a lot , and frequent many mental health subreddit , I recive a many long dms but reddit chat system have a major flaw It doesn’t support a voice messaging functionality , and that leads to hassle of trying to find a decent voice recoding service out there.Sawti is your gateway to host audio files in the blockchain, it built using the great power of the InterPlanetary File System.in addition to being able to upload audio files, user can turn those audios into nft and take ownership of them. now instead of having the user go through the process of creating art for their audio files , all art are generated using deepai text to image api calls depending on the content of the files .


I used IPFS to store the voice files , I also used nftport to turn those audios into nfts. nftport makes life easy by making nfts with just a simple api call so thats really handy. in addition to that i used nextjs/tailwind for the frontend.while on the surface this might not be as impressive, but damn the road to this project was hella fun and hacky , like the journy began with an nft/nfc booking system that contains , so initially it was all about hacking iot devices together to make it work , and while there was a little success here and there associated with a great sense of accomplishment and pride, it was quite hard to showcase that, and with just three short days remaining i had to change gears and make sawti which coincided with receiving a long reddit message and that also comes with its own challenge, as i dont know how to build websites , man i really do need to have teammates πŸ˜…


HackFS 2022



  • πŸ†

    πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ NFTPort β€” Pool Prize

  • πŸ†

    πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ Valist β€” Pool Prize
