An app that encourages people to get active in their community by giving them crypto to go on a scavenger hunt

Problem Statement
There are a bunch of landmarks out there in this big world 🌎. This app encourages adventures to go out there and experience landmarks around the globe. By being in a geofence of the landmark, you will receive points, which you can then use to purchase at a prize store. It is similar to SweatCoin app, where using get paid in crypto to exercise.
I used IPFS for the storage. I plan to create NFTS and put them as prizes on the platform as memorabilia for people who completed all the scavenger hunt in a specific geolocation. The only way this would be awarded is if they actually are in the physical location. I built this using Flutter, which has very little support for web3.
ETHSanFrancisco 2022
- Josiassejod1
8 contributions