We implemented smart contract based access control standard. We applied it to a community by NFT. The Access Control List can be used as middleware to other applications.

Problem Statement
We built smart contract based access control (SCBAC) middleware. We created a number of sample web-based communities which are gated by SCBAC. Users need different kinds of NFTs to join each community. Different NFT has different permission list which are implemented in smart contracts. The communities can freely access to the smart contracts to judge if a user can access the community or not.
We use Metamask for wallet. We built all smart contracts and web services by our own. We also used Hardhat, OpenZeppelin libraries to write smart contracts and OpenSea for NFT listing. Because we understand most technologies we use, we mostly wrote codes by ourselves. This application can run on Optimism and Polygon.
ETHSanFrancisco 2022