Sentinel Staking
This is contract that pools investor capital together to become a superfluid PIC. That role generates a revenue and after a time period it returns deposits with profit

Problem Statement
Because a Patrition-In-Charge role on superfluid has priority to liquidate insolvent streams, it can be very capital intensive to become one to earn revenue. By pooling capital in smart contract this lowers the barrier of entry for earning rewards from running a superfluid sentinel. The smart contract takes deposits and when it has enough funds it will send them to the superfluid TOGA account for the specific token stream (Ricochet in this case). After a given time period the contract will unstake from the role and then return the deposit plus a profit to the funders.
The project leverages superfluid protocols on the polygon network. From superfluid I am running backend sentinel software that uses the PIC role from the the smart contract address. I then interact with TOGA contracts and use a lot of the supertoken functionality on the smart contract itself. Te smart contract itself is deployed on polygon mainnet which cost less than 1 MATIC to do!
ETHNewYork 2022
- 🏆
🏊♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize
- theSchein
11 contributions