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ShapeShifter: midenfy

Clarity smart contract compiler targetting the Polygon Miden VM.


ShapeShifter: midenfy screenshot 1
ShapeShifter: midenfy screenshot 2
ShapeShifter: midenfy screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Compiles smart contracts written in Clarity, a safer decidable programming language initially developed by Stacks. Targets Polygon Miden VM, a zero-knowledge virtual machine flexible enough to be a compilation target of other higher-level languages.The project address a problem stated by the Polygon Miden team:Our goal is to make Miden VM an easy compilation target for high-level blockchain-centric languages such as Solidity, Move, Sway, and others. We believe it is important to let people write programs in the languages of their choice. However, compilers to help with this have not been developed yet.https://github.com/maticnetwork/miden/tree/main/miden


Implemented in Clojure, the programming language of Polygon partner NuBank. It is fully dockerized, both for runtime and development.The code can be used as libraries in web3 projects such as web apps generating custom Miden VM programs, through the Clojurescript compiler.


ETHSanFrancisco 2022

