A Metamask snap for decentralized file storage and management with FEVM and IPFS along with PUSH notifications.

Problem Statement
Reliable and secure data storage is the need of the hour. Data integrity is built on the foundation of reliable data. Users need to have their files and data backed up by decentralized storage solutions and avoid corporate control altogether. SnapLoad tries to make the process a whole lot easier for users. It integrates with Metamask, which is one of the most popular web3 wallets. The snap enables users to upload files which are then stored on IPFS-Filecoin by using the API service. It creates a storage deal for the files. The deal information such as name,id, cid, size, provider etc is stored and further preserved using the Market API smart contract on FEVM. This allows for persistent storage and allows users to interact with the Market API methods for managing their storage deals. SnapLoad provides persistent , decentralized storage for critical files and data while also giving individuals the ability to manage their storage deals with the help of the FEVM contract and even choose to compute over state.
We were unusure about FEVM because it is still kind of new and there isn't much documentation given about it. We still managed to overcome this challenge. Another challenge we faced was with metamask snaps. We were able to overcome this challenge by referring to the documentations given.
ETHIndia 2022
- 🏆
🚀 IPFS & Filecoin — 🏆 FVM Track: Best 3
- alanphil2k01
11 contributions
- abelzach
10 contributions