A simple, seamless way to support your favorite open-source projects. Built at the ETH NYC 2022 hackathon.

Problem Statement
❓What is Stargaze Stargaze was made to preserve the way open source teams work while enabling a new way of rewarding contributors retroactively.Today, open source projects are based on voluntary contributions from a passionate group of people. While these contributors do not seek financial gain for their contributions, the donations made to these projects rarely reach many of the downstream developers and contributors that have created and maintain them.We aim to solve that problem. With Stargaze, contributors submit pull requests as they normally would. Moderators, responsible for merging code, audit it, tag it and value it. When a merge takes place, an on-chain attestation is issued.Stargaze currently integrates with SuperFluid to instantly distribute funds to contributors when donations to projects are made by supporters. In this current implementation, Stargaze uses a basic metric to value contributions and calculate an impact score representing a contributor’s share of the total value created. He or she receives donations proportionately to his or her share.Stargaze has no UI and can be integrated with just a couple of lines of code. Open source project workflows are untouched and take place through Github as they would normally.
We used Foundry to build and interact with our Stargazer smart contract, Github Actions to run workflows on code merge, SuperFluid Instant Distribution Agreements to seamlessly distribute funds and Optimism to power both the code and our philosophy!Given that our goal was to minimize the setup time, one hack that we’re proud of is that we used existing Github pull information such as labels, additions, deletions etc. to formulate a robust impact score.We’re also super proud of installing Foundry in the Github runner virtual machine and using cast to easily interact with the contract from the command line.Because we didn’t have a good UI designer in our team, we were impressed by our ability to find workarounds and use a combination of available dashboards and tools (Superfluid, Github and the command line) to power through the entire process.This project was inspired by Gitcoin and is our love letter to all Open Source contributors. The business model is that we have none and plan to release this as a public service good.